TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Ability to Create a Different Standard for Budgeting Each Day

The purpose of this idea is to allow the client to set a different Standard for a Budget calculations bar for each day of the pay period.

Currently if a client wants to schedule to a budget in TimeSimplicity they can setup a Budget calculations bar and define a Standard which, in essence, is the amount the client is allowing to be budgeted to spend each day on their schedule.  However, whatever Standard you set applies to all days of the week uniformly and, more often than not, clients have a different amount they want to budget for each day of the pay period based on projected volume.

For example, if I create a Budget calculations bar and set the Standard to 500, that means for each day of the pay period, the Budget is going to be 500.  However, using the hospitality industry as an example, the Budget is usually different each day because restaurants are busier on the weekends and less busy earlier in the week, or some may even be closed entirely on a Monday, for instance.

By only allowing the user to define one Budget Standard and uniformly applying it to all days in the pay period rather than letting them set a different Budget Standard for each day, you're not giving them the flexibility to account for necessary and expected variances in labor that will occur each day.

Again, for example, the client may want a Budget Standard of 0 for Monday, 500 for Tuesday - Wednesday, 750 for Thursday and Sunday, 900 for Friday and 1100 for Saturday.

Allowing users to set different Budget Standards for each day of the pay period will render the calculations bar **MUCH** more meaningful to the company's actual daily budgets and provide the user with an accurate depiction of how over or under their what they plan to spend their schedule really is (which the exception of overtime premiums not being accounted for in the Pay Rates calculations bar, which is a huge flaw in the system).

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  • Jan 29 2019
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