TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Time Off Request - Check accural balance & display future balance

I want the current accrual balance and the future accrual balance to display on Time Off Requests at submission (for employees) and approval (for managers). I want the option to restrict the request if there is an insufficient balance.
  • Guest
  • Jun 23 2016
  • Vetting
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    3 Apr, 2023 02:34pm

    We now have 5 clients that are requesting this. Functionality like this should have been part of the initial release. Different accrual balances on different screens is confusing for employees and supervisors.

  • Guest commented
    8 Sep, 2020 02:00pm

    We have a client requesting this as well. Being able to prevent employees from requesting time off when they have an insufficient balance would be very helpful!

  • Guest commented
    7 Nov, 2018 05:04pm

    Yes, we do need this as well. I have a client that requested this very thing yesterday. I know that this info is available to the employee's through the Employee Self Service Portal, and it is available to Client and Supervisor level users if they go to the employee's time cards or through the "Maintenance Menu" or through the "Accrual Balance Report" found in the "Reports Menu". The problem for a lot of clients is that they have to leave the "Time Off Request" screen that they are on, and navigate to somewhere else to to see the info, and then come back and either Approve it, Reject it, or return the request to a Pending state. Since this is just data, that is already accessed from other parts of the system, why not make it available in the employee's "Time Off Request"?

    Bobby Bowden


    11/07/18 9:04 AM

  • Guest commented
    11 Sep, 2017 02:44pm

    We have a client with the same request.

  • Guest commented
    24 Jan, 2017 10:50pm

    Had another client request this today.   Same concept to see future balance, just slightly different area.  Client would like to see estimated yearly balance on current timesheet.

    In this situation employees earn monthly, but client would like to know if employee requests off 2 weeks today if they'll have enough off by end of year.