TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

"Opt In - New Request Time Off" Time Off Balances View in ESS Portal

I would like to see the boxes with the available accrual balances show out to two decimal places, not just a whole number. Employees will not have to run a balance report in order to know what their exact balance is. This would be helpful for clients who have 7.5 hour work days and, as a result, often request time off in half hour increments and need a little more accuracy (hence multiple decimal places).

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  • Nov 16 2018
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  • Bill Masur commented
    26 Feb, 2019 10:19pm

    This was released and updated in January.  It now shows 2 decimal places.  Here are the release notes: https://www.swipeclock.com/shareddocs/marketing/loginframes/release-notes.html#release-01232019