TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Rehire button when Onboarding in HUB

Some of our clients rehire employees multiple times and they want them to go through the electronic onboarding process but once they are finished it will not sync to our payroll platform because that employee already exists. So what we are currently doing is once a rehire goes through the onboarding process the client has to save all their electronic forms locally and contact us to remove the rehire from their onboarding New Hire screen (which we then contact SwipeClock) because it will continually error out when trying to connect to our payroll platform. Once the client rehires the employee in our payroll platform and their info syncs back to HUB then the client has to add the employee's electronic documents to Admin > choose the employee > Documents > Add new document (one at a time).

If there was a button a client could check notating that this person is a rehire when starting the onboarding process that would then prevent their info from trying to sync to the payroll platform and continually error out would be helpful. A step further that I would request is that the new hire documents for the rehire could be assigned to the employee's HUB profile under the New Hire Docs. The client would still have to rehire and update the employee's info in the payroll platform but I believe this would make their onboarding process smoother.

  • Guest
  • Sep 29 2020
  • Future consideration
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