TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Add Option to Integrated Scheduling Options that makes it optional to Restrict Punching from Unscheduled Employees, while maintain the early punching restrictions

Many of my clients like the early punch in resctrictions, preventing employees from punching in early.  A big downside for many of them is that to Enforce Schedules for employees, you also prevent employees who are not scheduled from punching in.  We understand the logic behind it, however most of my clients do not have issues with employees coming in and working when they are not scheduled to be there.  The big issues they have are with an employee being called in to cover a shift, and then not being able to punch because their schedule has yet to be updated.


I think an easy solution would be to add a check box under Clock Management >> Integrated Scheduling Options for Restricting Punches for Unscheduled Employees.  If this check box is not selected, then the system would still flag an Unscheduled Punch In day as an Exception (ie employee was not scheduled to work) but it would still allow them to punch in.  This way, we can meet the needs of both clients who want to prevent all unscheduled punches and clients who would like employees to be able to clock in without needing to update the schedule.

  • Guest
  • Jun 27 2017
  • Future consideration
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