TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Import Accrual Balances (via API)

We'd like to be able to utilize the API to import accrual balances from a 3rd party payroll system. This ensures that supervisors and employees do not have to switch back and forth between payroll & time clock systems when requesting or authorizing PTO requests through SwipeClock. This would also prevent us from having to setup multiple accrual policies and perform manual balance updates if things ever get out of sync. For example, after exporting hours to the payroll timesheet, it's sometimes necessary to make changes before payroll submission which might affect the way accruals work.

This issues came about after seeing another national payroll company performing this type of synchronization between their platform and another time & attendance software.
  • Guest
  • Jun 23 2016
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    8 Feb, 2018 06:54pm

    Hi LaNiesha,

    Our company takes the approach of not using accruals through our payroll system, and only using the accrual function in TW+ for clients who are using TW+.  This allows us to avoid issues with balances not matching between the two systems, and point employees and managers to TW+ for balance information.

    For our clients who insist on seeing balances on check stubs, we have developed a workaround with Swipeclock that may help you.  We created a special File Format that allows us to map accrual balances to Earning/Deduction/Memo codes under Pay Code Translation.  We map the accrual balances to Memo codes, which have no earning/deduction or value, and then set these codes to display on checks.  It is not perfect, but it does allow the employee to see their "balances" on their check stub, along with any hours paid that payroll. 

    I will admit I am unfamiliar with PayEntry, but hopefully this approach can help you with your current trouble.  If interested, you should create a ticket with Swipeclock to create a new File Format.

    Good Luck!


  • Guest commented
    8 Feb, 2018 05:57pm

    My company is in desperate need of this type of integration with PayEntry.  We have clients who need their employees and managers able to see their balances without the discrepancy that occurs because 2 different systems are keeping track in 2 different ways. 

    As the administrator, it would save untold hours of scripting to make sure Accrue Up/Down match with the policy in PayEntry.  As I am sure you are aware some Acceual Policies are incredibly complex.  

    This upgrade cannot come soon enough.