We have multiple restaurant clients that currently have their employees clock in/out of on their POS system. They will continue to use this because they can easily run cost/sales reports. In order to do payroll, they print a report from the POS system and manually enter the times into the payroll system. We need a bulk import into TWP from the POS system similar to the bulk employee import so the client does not have to manually enter the employee times and the employees would not have to clock in/out of two separate systems.
Could this request be merged in to IDX-1-197?
DAN -- what a fantastic idea.
SC -- It would be remarkable if the in/out times, and even tips, could be exported from a POS system into TWP. We receive this concern a lot from clients. I realize there are a lot of POS systems out there to consider -- perhaps the top XX% can have an integration created?