TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Revisions to how Supervisor logins are permissioned

Right now it is quite cumbersome to setup Supervisor logins when the user should be allowed to access multiple groups or employees in multiple departments.


Right now you can only assign one employee group to a Supervisor, but there are often times when the Supervisor may need access to more than one group.  Being able to select which employee groups a Supervisor should have access to with check boxes that allow for multiple selections vs. a drop-down that only allows for one selection would be a huge time saver and make the employee groups a more effective component of the system.


Right now if a company has additional departments enabled and a Supervisor should have access to anyone in a specific department, you need to add in multiple permissions so they can see everyone.  For example, the Supervisor should have access to everyone in the Office department.  The company is setup to allow for five additional departments, so there's a total of six positions the department Office could wind up in someone's record -- Department, Department1, Department2, Department3, Department4, or Department5.

When setting up the Supervisor's permissions, you have to set it up so that you have access to:

1) All <Active Employees> whose <Department> is equal to "Office"
2) All <Active Employees> whose <Department1> is equal to "Office"
3) All <Active Employees> whose <Department2> is equal to "Office"
4) All <Active Employees> whose <Department3> is equal to "Office"
5) All <Active Employees> whose <Department4> is equal to "Office"
6) All <Active Employees> whose <Department5> is equal to "Office"

Instead of that cumbersome process, can a new option named "Department*" be added to the list that will automatically look at any/all Department fields to see if the value matches what the user defines, in this case "Office?"  The permissioning would then looks like:

1) All <Active Employees> whose <Department*> is equal to "Office"

This same logic will assist in creating the actual employee groups themselves.

Thank you for any and all consideration!

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  • Jan 19 2018
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