TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Add/Edit Clock Prompts for Time Off Requests

We have clients that use Clock Prompts for labor allocation.  One major struggle these clients have is that when an employee enters a Time Off Request and it is approved, there is no way to edit the clock prompts for that request.  There is no work around outside of our clients manually adjusting the labor allocation in our payroll system.

My suggestion would be to allow the Modify window on the Time Card to include any editable clock prompts.  A client can then override any labor allocations as needed.

  • Guest
  • Aug 2 2017
  • Future consideration
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    • Guest commented
      November 11, 2021 21:51

      Yes, I agree, it would be very helpful for the employee to select the clock prompt as part of their time off request.

      Thank you.

      Cheryl Lewis,CPP
      ACA Specialist

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    • Guest commented
      November 11, 2021 21:35

      Yes! I have purposely not mentioned time off requests being a feature to clients who have departments because of past struggles related to this.

    • Guest commented
      September 13, 2021 16:53

      It is quite frustrating that you cannot edit the Clock Prompt for any Time Off Request -- especially when clients have multiple "Locations" that need to track time off for those specific entities.

    • Guest commented
      August 26, 2020 13:10

      I have a client that uses the clock prompts for labor allocation as well. The convenience of being able to manually edit clock prompts on approved requests, compared to manually adjusting them in the payroll system or using scripting, can't be stated enough.

    • Guest commented
      March 21, 2018 13:14

      In addition - If the option for the employee to select the clock prompt (like when they clock in/out) was part of the time off request steps this would also be helpful.