TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Web Clock Default Options

Place a selection at the company level so we can select Yes or No for the default for employee Web Clock Enabled instead of auto defaulting to Yes. We have clients The want this defaulted to No b/c they never want employee's to use the Web Clock. 

  • Guest
  • Jul 20 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    31 Jul, 2017 03:50pm

    You are correct, Amanda.  Switching Web Clock to off at the company level will remove the web clock access for all employees.

  • Guest commented
    31 Jul, 2017 01:33pm

    Thank you. So long as Web Clock is turned off at the company level the employees can still use ESS, but never be able to clock in via the web even if the employee set up says Web Clock Enabled Yes?

    Amanda Poff, FPC
    Payroll Specialist
    [pmi logo]
    2965 Colonnade Drive, Suite 315
    Roanoke, VA 24018
    Phone: (540) 725-1990
    Fax: (540) 725-1977

    Our mailing address is:
    PO Box 21306
    Roanoke, VA 24018

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  • Guest commented
    31 Jul, 2017 01:27pm

    Hi Bill,

    Please correct me if I am wrong, however I think the option you refer to will turn off Web Clock all together.  Amanda's client wants to use Web Clock for her employees, but have the system default for new hires to be Web Clock set to "No".  Currently, the default for Web Clock access for employees is "Yes".

    Many clients may want to give employees access to ESS to approve time cards, but do not want them to be able to record punches.  Additionally, some clients may have multiple access points for punching, and only want specific employees to be able to punch from the Web Clock.  Needing to always change Web Clock access to "No" for most employees can be a pain.

  • Guest commented
    27 Jul, 2017 01:05pm

    I asked customer service how to default to No and they said I can’t. How do I do this?

    Amanda Poff, FPC
    Payroll Specialist
    [pmi logo]
    2965 Colonnade Drive, Suite 315
    Roanoke, VA 24018
    Phone: (540) 725-1990
    Fax: (540) 725-1977

  • Bill Masur commented
    26 Jul, 2017 10:25pm

    Thanks for the feedback.  You should be able to turn off the web clock at the client level in the "Client configuration" under the "account configuration".  If I am misunderstanding your request, let me know. Thanks.