TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Add ability to drag & drop displaced punch times onto appropriate line to complete punch set.

At present, if an employee accidentally punches OUT instead of IN and then punches OUT again at the end of their shift, you wind up with two punch lines.

E.g. employee punches OUT at 9:00am (when they really meant to punch IN)
Employee then punches OUT at 3:00pm (this is the actual OUT time)

To fix this punch set, the 9:00am line would need to be deleted, thus causing the trash can icon to appear, and then the user has to add the 9:00am punch manually onto the 3:00pm line as the IN punch to successfully have a punch set of IN 9:00am, OUT 3:00pm.

To preserve audit trail showing this punch was made from the clock, but definitely suggesting an addendum be added to audit trail to show the punch was moved, consider allowing the user to "drag" the 9:00am OUT punch onto the 3:00pm OUT punch line but shifting it to the IN slot.

The first line, which now has no punches, would automatically delete without creating an audit entry, while the second line now has a 9:00am IN to 3:00pm OUT punch set, and mousing over the 9:00am punch will show "User ABC[ABC] moved punch from OUT to IN at <time change took place>."

Illustration attached to better demonstrate the "vision" here.


  • Guest
  • Jun 14 2017
  • Future consideration
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