TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Allow edits to employee notes and the ability to add punch comments even after a pay period is finalized.

This purpose of this idea is to allow users the ability to record important information that they may learn in the future retroactively on the timecard that it relates to.  This in no way compromises the data integrity of the timecard but gives users a more meaningful way to use the audit trail.

If a pay period is locked, users can't add notes or punch comments to the period because those options lock along with the rest of the timecard data.  However, information relevant to a prior pay period may come to light at some point in the future, causing the employer to want to make a note of this information on the timecard it relates to.

For example, my pay period from 13 weeks ago has long been locked and my ability to add or change any employee notes suppressed.  Today, however, I learned that one of my employees from that pay period 13 weeks ago was punching for shifts they weren't actually working.  I now, on the timecard from 13 weeks ago, want to make a note of the shifts that were identified as fraudulent.  I can't do that because the pay period is locked and it's not advised to unlock entire pay periods to make changes like these.

The notes and comments options should remain open to the user to give the a viable solution for scenarios like the one presented above and simply append the most recent additions or changes to the audit log for the prior/adjusted pay period and now the employer has a great way of referencing the specifics of that situation down the line or by running the system reports.

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  • Jan 31 2019
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