Many of our clients will have multiple administrators supporting their system. Additionally, we have a large number of Accountant users internally at our organization. We utilize a variety of different Employee Setup fields for scripting purposes, and it would helpful to both the client and ourselves to determine who made a change to an employee's setup.
I was curious if any additional consideration has been given to this or if this is on the radar for when the client/supervisor UX is redesigned come 2019. Aside from users within a company, specifically HR personnel, benefiting from the ability to audit who made what changes to the Employee Setup data, this would be especially helpful for accountants who want to see what changes a client may have made and when so they could counsel them.
For example, with our clients our Service Bureau maintains all of the employee data and syncs the information from the payroll system to TWP. If a "Location" is populated in an employee's record it means that there is a corresponding Branch of the company in the payroll system that populates that Location.
One of my clients currently has the Location field populated with data that does not correspond to the Branches setup in the payroll system. I would like to be able to confirm it was the client (and not another internal Service Bureau user) that made this change in TWP and see when they did it. This way, I can consult with the client to see if they need to segregate the labor for those employees they populated the Location for when we process their hours for payroll.
Ideally, there would be an Employee Setup Audit Report that I could generate for a pay period or a specified date range, choose which Employee Setup fields I wanted included in the Audit report, and then run the report to see what changes were made to those fields I selected (i.e. the previous value and the new value), by whom, and when.
Aside from being a highly beneficial addition to the system and provide the users and accountants with much needed insight, I imagine this can only augment compliance with the current SSAE16 (upcoming SSAE 18) audit requirements to put controls and best practices in place that facilitate transparency and review of any employee data edits.
Thanks so much!
The audit log in the timekeeping portion of the system is so detailed and amazing that it seems like a stark comparison when you see the amount of data you can audit on the Employee Setup screen, which, as relayed in the description for this case, can cause SBOs with multiple Accountants or even clients with multiple users not to know who made what change or when.
Aside from a Time Card Audit Log report, an Employee Setup Audit Log report would be hugely beneficial so you can see the changes made to an employee's record, the date the changes were made, the user who made them, the current and former values of the field(s) that was/were changed,. and the IP address of the workstation the timekeeping admin used to make these changes.