Would love if there was an option to display clock prompts to only those employees who the prompts are relevant to. Currently, we have to either setup prompts or completely leave them out which requires a lot of training and communication between our agency and the employer/employee.
Filtered clock prompts for TimeWorksPlus is now available for mobile, web, and TimeWorksTouch. Send any feedback to productmanagement@swipeclock.com.
Hello! Filtered clock prompt opportunity: How can it be used...? Can it be used to designate which pay categories apply to employee groups so that employees in the groups only see a particular selection of punch codes? We have full time (FT) and part time (PT) pay categories (and pay codes). Would be great to have only the categories applicable to their status (FT or PT) appear when logging time.
We will be releasing support for filtered prompts on our TimeWorksTouch clocks in December. Initially it will be as a beta.
We are looking for 5-6 partners to help us test this feature during the beta phase. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to productmanagement@swipeclock.com with "TWT Filtered Prompts" in the subject. Thanks.
We will be releasing filtered clock prompts that you will be able to assign to specific employee groups. It will support both numeric and labor prompts on the webclock and TimeWorksTouch and TimeWorksTuff and the TimeWorksPlus Employee app.
The current release is schedule for mid-September of 2019.
Yes, please add!