TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Custom Holiday

Adding a custom holiday via the holidays tab allows the explicit definition of once on an exact day (month and year) but does not allow the entry of the specific year.  It's inefficient to have to set holidays in multiple ways or in separate places (one handled solely through scripting for sake of the year shouldn't be necessary)

  • Guest
  • Oct 20 2016
  • Already exists
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    • Guest commented
      June 29, 2018 15:17

      Of course after I wrote that all up I realized if you edit the custom holiday in the next year, it just changes that one year only and ultimately lets you accomplish what I was looking to do, albeit not intuitively.  Never mind me...

    • Guest commented
      June 29, 2018 14:54

      I was just coming to submit a product idea for this same issue.  If it is a bug it looks like it has not been corrected as of yet.

      I have a couple of clients who observe Good Friday which is not a default holiday you can setup in TWP.  Therefore, you have to make it a custom holiday.  When you make a custom holiday, however, you can't assign the year to it.  Only a generic frequency called "once."

      At the beginning of 2018, my desire was to build out holiday schedules for all clients through 2020.  Good Friday 2018 was on 3/30/18.  Good Friday 2019 will be on 4/19/19.  Good Friday 2020 will be on 4/10/20.

      For Good Friday 2018, I set the custom holiday up to occur once on March 30th on the exact day.  I couldn't assign a year, though.  (See Good Friday Attach 1.png)


      Now if I wanted to setup Good Friday 2019 and Good Friday 2020 at the beginning of 2018, it seems like I can't.  Since you can't choose a year, I would inevitably have 3 holidays setup as follows:

      1. Good Friday 2018 - once on March 30, on the exact day
      2. Good Friday 2019 - once on April 19, on the exact day
      3. Good Friday 2020 - once on April 10, on the exact day

      What would have wound up happening is I would have had three Good Fridays in 2018 and it would have paid the employees for that holiday on 3/30/18, 4/10/18, and 4/19/18.  That's definitely not what the client wants.

      Additionally, since Good Friday 2019 is a month and a half later than Good Friday 2018, I need to wait until after 4/19/18 concludes to setup a holiday for 4/19/19.  I shouldn't have to make concessions for that.

      Lastly, even though you only assign the holiday to occur once, when you move to the following year(s) you still see the holiday that was only supposed to occur once showing up on future years' lists.  (See Good Friday Attach 2.png)

      I don't see any way to logically administrate this without being able to attach a year to the custom holidays.


    • David Barton commented
      November 30, 2016 18:39

      We are looking into a potential bug regarding this issue.