TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Create a specialized Web Clock URL that allows employees to punch via PC/tablet with only PIN

We are increasingly facing issues with competitors who provide a "tablet-based punching experience". Clients can mount a tablet on a wall, and employees can record punches on the tablet simply by entering their PIN.  Employees can then also access Employee Portal features on the same tablet by clicking Portal and then entering their password on the tablet.


This approach is superior to using Web Clock 3.0 on a tablet in that Web Clock 3.0 requires the entry of Username/PIN AND Password to record a punch. Most clients find this process much too time consuming, but do not want to purchase an expensive TW Touch to achieve the same functionality available to them on competing systems.


We understand that TW Touch has it's place and purpose, however we would greatly welcome the flexiblity to meet all clients' needs by having this type of punching/URL method available.

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  • Jan 7 2020
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