TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Job, Class, and Customer catagories on the Mobile App

Most of their employees use the mobile app for TimeWorksPlus as they are fireplace installers out in the field. Audits are done daily on the information that they key in for their punches. It was brought to my attention that the information that is entered upon the clock in, is not visible afterwards. We have a Class, JobCode, and Customer categories for the installers to input (see Figure1). Sometimes this information is input inaccurately, or Payroll or the employee’s manager has a question about the data.But the installers are unable to see this information from the app in order to communicate about it.When employees go to look at the My Time Card, it shows them all the clock ins and outs they have done, but nojob information (see Figure 2). It seems like there may be a possibility to add the clock in prompt information into new columns on the app, just as you can see there are columns for Break and Category.

I would suggestthat the clock in prompt information is shown on the app for the user when their phone or tablet is rotated to landscape orientation,just as it is seen on the website(see Figure 3).


  • Guest
  • Jul 23 2019
  • Already exists
  • Aug 22, 2019

    Admin response

    This feature is available in the new TimeWorksPlus Employee app which was released last year. This new app will be the place where we make all future improvements. I would recommend you enable the new employee portal and mobile app for this client in order to take advantage of this feature other future improvements.

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  • Guest commented
    25 Jul, 2019 12:44pm

    Hey Rob,


    It looks like they are using the older version of the mobile app.  I'd try putting them on the new EE Portal, and having them download the TimeWorksPlus Employee app.  The TimeWorksPlus Employee app shows the clock prompt allocations when you click on each day.  The employees can also much more easily add a note, which might communicate additional data to your managers.


    I am not affliated with Swipeclock, so if you have any questions about setting up the new Employee Portal or using the TimeWorksPlus Employee app, I'd suggest opening a ticket in the support center.

