TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit IDX-I-422 We need a place to put in notes for a client.

A Client note field on the Dashboard screen. Merged

For remembering things that are specific, to specific client's. For example, we have a client who hires seasonally in Wintertime for a ski resort, and they asked us to send them 100 proximity cards, which we did, only once the client received them they sent us an email stating that we had sent them the wrong proximity cards. The ones that they are supposed to receive are completely blank on the front. Since it has been over a year since we had last sent them proximity cards, we didn't remember this little bit of info, and instead sent them "Generic" proximity cards. 


We'd like to make sure little things like this don't happen again in the future, and felt that a Client notes field, found on a client's Dashboard screen, preferably only visible to us, would help keep these little issues from happening in the future.

  • Guest
  • Jan 11 2019
  • Future consideration