TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

GPS punch to show address

One of our larger clients is very concerned that they no longer can see addresses in Swipeclock for GPS punches. They need to verify their employees are clocked in at a patients homes and GPS coordinates or a pinpoint on the map do not provide what they need.

Does Swipeclock have a solution since business owners can no longer see addresses for GPS punches?


  • Guest
  • Jan 8 2019
  • In Design
  • Apr 30, 2020

    Admin response

    We have decided to bring back the address on mobile punches, but it will be included in a new offering which includes geofencing that we will be calling Mobile Location Management. This will be a paid feature that will include the visual map with all mobile punches, the address of the mobile punches, and the ability to create and enforce virtual geofences.

    If you would like to hear more about this change and provide feedback, you can schedule a meeting with me for Thursday, Monday, or Tuesday by booking it here https://calendly.com/bmasur/mobile-location-management-discussion?month=2020-04. If none of those days work just email me at bmasur@swipeclock.com. Thanks!

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  • Guest commented
    17 Apr, 2019 05:52pm

    Please add street address to reporting, not just GPS coordinates, very difficult for client to read.

  • Bill Masur commented
    26 Feb, 2019 10:25pm

    Prior to July of 2018, complete street addresses were included with mobile punches when GPS was enabled in TimeWorksPlus.  Due to a drastic change in pricing from the vendor providing GPS-to-address conversions we discontinued including addresses and instead provided GPS coordinates and a map view of the location.


    Unfortunately, this has caused confusion and concern for some of our partners and we regret not communicating more clearly the reason for the change or the alternate solution.  The cost of continuing to provide addresses of mobile punches would have more than doubled the cost of TimeWorksPlus for all employees (not just mobile users). 


    As part of the effort to improve this experience in the short term, we have added the ability to click on the GPS pin on the timecard and immediately view that punch on a map.  We are also planning to improve the map itself to more clearly display the location of the punch.  


    In the past few months, we have been researching a better way to solve the problem of managing a mobile workforce and we will be introducing a Geo-fencing feature for TimeWorksPlus.  This feature will incur a minimal per site (not employee) cost, but will allow businesses to more easily ensure that employees are in the right place at the right time. All employees punching at a site will be visible in one view with those outside the “fence” visibly differentiated. This solution will make employee punch location much easier to assess and will be available at a significantly lower cost than GPS-to-address conversion.  The release is currently planned for mid-year 2019.

  • Bill Masur commented
    26 Feb, 2019 09:14pm

    We will be introducing geo fencing later this year.  We are no longer able to provide the address location as it would be too cost prohibitive for the client.  We believe the new solution will actually be a significant improvement over the previous solution.