TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Allow Shift End Time to be Until Close" in TimeSimplicity"

In a few demos of TimeSimplicity I have done recently, clients have expressed the desire to create a shift without an end time. Currently, you are required to put a time to end every shift (I imagine this is for tracking of hours). The argument is, though, if employees see an end time on their schedule, they will drop everything at that time and leave for the day. The clients are currently scheduling employees, for example, from 4:00pm to Close," meaning that the employee is required to stay until all work is done or all customers are served (e.g., at a restaurant). Although not typically a deal breaker, this simple feature causes some hesitancy for clients in making the move to TimeSimplicity for fear their employees will take advantage of what their schedule says they are supposed to work and not respect the business need at the end of a shift. "
  • Guest
  • Jun 23 2016
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 06, 2019 00:25

    Have seen this lately. It communicates a more accurate expectation to employees.