TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Add employee bulletin/announcement to the new app

As we become more and more mobile, the need to log in to the ESS portal right under the clock in/out buttons.  You have a large amount of white space here. Please add the announcements so they can show here and in the ESS portal. Most employees use one or the other (and mostly now the app). They don't use both. 

  • Guest
  • Dec 10 2018
  • Vetting
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    21 Nov, 2019 08:24pm

    Adding the announcements under the clock in/out buttons would be great. We have a client that we moved to the new mobile app and is VERY upset the announcements are not available on TWP Employee.

    The missing features of the TWP Employee app makes the entire experience feel fragmented.