TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Reportingdate.schedhours does not included Break Time Amounts from Schedules Published in Time Simplicity

We like to use reportingdate.schedhours to automate Holiday values based on the normal Scheduled Hours for that day.


What is strange about this one is that the Time Card displays the correct Scheduled Hours per Day.  If you click the "Show Schedule Information" option on the time card, you see an amount that equals the Scheduled Hours for the shift in Time Simplicity, factoring in any break time.  For example, a 8 - 5pm shift, with a 60 minute break, scheduled in Time Simplicity will show 8 Scheduled Hours on the time card.  


The Reportingdate.schedhours scripting variable does not reflect this value.  Instead, reportingdate.schedhours returns the Spread of Hours between the first Scheduled In on the day and the Last Scheduled Out.  In the above example, reportingdate.schedhours returns 9, even though the Scheduled Hours on the time card lists 8.


Seeing as the appropriate value is feeding from Time Simplicity to the Time Card, I would hope it is a simple fix to link the reportingdate.schedhours variable to that value, versus having it calculate a value based on the schedule start/stop times.

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  • Dec 6 2018
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