TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Supervisor Cannot run Labor Code Reporting

I have a client extremely upset as to why supervisors are being filtered from running some of the reports.  I have been told that some of these reports are "Payroll reports" and that is why the supervisor is hard filtered as to not see them.  Why is there not a way to provide this report to the supervisor?  Also.... this report has no payroll data, it just shows where people are clocked in and shows the supervisors that everyone is clocked in where they should be.  See comments from the client when trying to explain the answer I received.

"I just don’t get it because this isn’t a payroll report.  It doesn’t have dollar amounts on it.  It just helps us make sure that everyone was clocked in where they should be.

Non of the supervisors even have access to the payroll system.  Just timekeeping.


  • Guest
  • Sep 20 2018
  • Future consideration
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