TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

If a client or supervisor e-mail is changed, automatically update the Daily Auto E-mail report settings to the new address.

The purpose of this idea is to ensure the customer always receives their Daily Auto E-mail report even if they change their e-mail address or the Accountant changes their e-mail address in TimeWorksPlus.

When you add a user to the list of recipients for the Daily Auto E-mail report, the e-mail address field is static, meaning whatever value was in the employee's profile at the time the report was setup will remain there.  However, this should be a dynamic field because the Client or Supervisor can change, or request that the Accountant change, their e-mail address if needed.

- Today I setup my login, Test-Rich, with the e-mail address rich@myemailaddress.com.
- I go and add myself to the Daily Auto E-mail report list and it pulls in rich@myemailaddress.com as the destination it will send the report to.
- Tomorrow I change my e-mail address to newrich@newemailaddress.net.
- Tomorrow I'm not going to get my Daily Auto E-mail report because the system is still going to try and send it to rich@myemailaddress.com, not netrich@newemailaddress.net because updating the login information does not in turn update the Daily Auto E-mail report delivery address.

To make sure the custom does not experience any delay in receiving the Daily Auto E-mail reports, it would be best if the e-mail address the report was being delivered to always pulled from the current e-mail associated with the TWP login rather than the e-mail that was associated with the TWP login at the time the report was setup.

Thank you for any and all consideration.

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  • Mar 30 2018
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