TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Lockdown Client/Supervisor Credentials on TWT Clock to only those created within the company the clock is registered to.

With the TimeWorksTouch clock, if you want to change the network settings or enroll new fingerprints, you need to login with your Client or Supervisor login credentials to get to the appropriate menus.  However, you can use any Client or Supervisor credentials from any company to get into the settings of any TWT clock.

So, for example, Client A has a client login named CA-Bob.  If I go to the TWT clock for Clients B, C, and/or D, I'll be able to log into their TWT settings menu using the CA-Bob credentials from Client A as well.

For security purposes, only SysAdmin and Accountant logins should span across companies, but the Client and Supervisor logins should not gain users access to any clocks that aren't registered to the site their logins are setup in or any peripheral sites granted through multiple site management.

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  • Oct 13 2017
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