TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Add scripting function to return the # of hours worked between 2 times

We have a client that pays a shift Differential if the employee works at least 3 hours after 4PM.
We use this code to change the punch category right now:
if(istimes and outispresent and Hours >= 3 and intime >=4:00pm and (employee.home2 = "SHDIFF15" or employee.home2 = "SHDIF15"))
   category = "SHDIF15";

The problem is that sometimes we have an employee punched into 1 department (location) from 4PM to 5PM - then another dept from 5PM to 7PM. Since the total hours after 4PM is 3, they should get the SHDIF15 category. Can a function be added to the scripting language that could calculate the total hours worked between 2 times for the current day? example   HrsAfter4 = HrsBetween(4PM,11:30PM)

  • Guest
  • Jul 25 2017
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Bill Masur commented
    July 26, 2017 22:44

    Thanks for the feedback. This seems pretty specific to your use case. I believe this is possible with scripting, I would recommend contacting support to get the scripting you require.