The ability to add adjustment lines to a timecard would be helpful for clients who need to add hours inadvertently unpaid in a previous period. E.g.
The previous period I forgot to punch on 1/6/17. I worked and am owed 8 hours back pay for the day.
To make this adjustment in the current period, it has to either be assigned to an actual day within the current period or manually adjusted outside of TWP in payroll. However, if I just add the back pay hours to payroll but am relying on TWP for ACA reporting or PTO accruals, those worked hours will not be included in the calculations.
That's where the adjustment line would come in. If, perhaps in the Time Card Options menu, there was an option to "Add Adjustment Line," that could help with clarity, compliance, and accuracy.
TC Adjustment Line would allow for the user to input the date they are adjusting (for memo purposes only), add what was missing (punch set, hours, amounts), and assign to appropriate category (back regular, back overtime, bonus), without having to add this to a line dated within the actual pay period. User should be able to pull in as many adjustment lines as needed.
Supervisors should need to have this permission enabled.
Hi Bill,
Any chance this can be revisited and perhaps achieve future consideration? This feature would be great to have, is not one that I've seen in other systems so would give SwipeClock a competitive edge, and clearly indicates what day a back payment applies to so the employee has limited recourse to say they misunderstood that they were "made whole" by receiving their back pay for a specific day.
Thanks for any reconsideration you're willing to offer!
Hi Bill! Thank you so much for your response. We do indeed employ that method now as needed, thank you for recapping one of the many benefits of the system for us!
In this particular scenario, what we were looking to do is add a 'blank' day to the timecard, be able to enter the date, and then use the back pay categories to post the adjustments, thus "segregating" the entries from a prior period from being associated with specific dates in the current period.
Screenshot now attached to better illustrate the intention here. Please advise if this can be reconsidered for the future.
Thank you so much! Rich @ Premier.
Thanks for the feedback! You can already do this by adding hours with a specific category that can be defined as "backpay." Let us know if this works for you. Contact support with help in setting this up.