Create a processing rule that, when enabled, automatically sends out an e-mail when (1) a new employee is added to the system, (2) an existing employee is terminated from the system, or (3) both.
This e-mail would go to all client logins (including ones assigned through MSM) and any supervisor logins with visibility to the employee, and the e-mail should include:
- The employee's first, middle, and last name, employee #, timeclock/login number, and start date for new employees added to TWP.
- The employee's first, middle, and last name, employee #, (former) timeclock/login number, start date, and separation date for existing employees being terminated in TWP.
The exception to this rule would be if the employee's last name includes "AAA" and the first name includes "Test" (ignore Middle Name to allow for multiple test employees to be added and differentiated by that field) OR the employee was added by someone whose access is above the Accountant level. Using the Delete Employees utility should also not trigger any e-mails. No actions other then adding a term date to an existing employee should trigger the alert, either.
Client / Reseller / Provider advantages::
- CLIENT: Streamlines the process for clients entering their own new-hires by eliminating the need for them to communicate the employee is added/ready to enroll by e-mail or another forum outside of the TWP system.
- RESELLER: Streamlines the process for resellers/service bureaus exporting new-hires from payroll and into TWP as a service to the client by eliminating the need for the reseller/service bureau to communicate the employee is added/ready to enroll by e-mail or another forum outside of the TWP system.
- PROVIDER: The automation adds value to the TWP solution (much like the Daily Auto E-mail report) and further reduces labor costs by eliminating the need to manually communicate any of this information.