TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Show employee names AND hrs of time off in twp calendar

It is useful to the clients who do not use scheduler to be able to see the hours of time off others are taking. Some clients schedule internally and stagger time off so that they are covered for the day. These times may overlap.  This should be visible to all.

  • Guest
  • Mar 14 2017
  • In Development
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    22 Aug, 2019 01:27pm


    With this, clients also would find it helpful to be able to print the actual calendar once they have the EE names appearing on the days they have off. 


  • Bill Masur commented
    7 Jun, 2017 08:31pm

    Hi David,

    Thanks for your feedback!  We are working on redesigning our scheduler which will eventually effect the calendar view of Time off requests.  It's currently in the discovery phase with no set date.  


    Bill Masur