TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Column Headings to float down with time card

For clients with biweekly or semi monthly pay periods,as you move to the later part of the pay period to work on a time card the column headings disappear. This makes it very difficult to edit quessing" which column is which. If the headers could float down with the time would be great."
  • Guest
  • Jun 23 2016
  • Shipped
  • Sep 6, 2017

    Admin response

    This feature was released.

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  • Guest commented
    3 Apr, 2017 02:38pm

    Yes, agree with both comments! My client is SO frustrated with this. They would also like it to return to the last punch edited on the page instead of scrolling back to the top. The supervisor login works like that, it scrolls back down to your last entry that you edit, so seems to me you already have the coding to do both requests as they both work in the supervisor/admin environments. 

  • Guest commented
    8 Dec, 2016 08:46pm

    This is actually how the Multi Timecard Editor page functions.  If you could make the standard timecard view function similarly, it would be a huge upgrade.

  • Guest commented
    29 Jul, 2016 07:18pm

    I have a couple clients that have been asking for this. They are a larger clients that the employees clock in and out of multiple departments so their time card gets long quickly, they also have several different columns of informaiton thats required to input when editing timesheets.