TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Have Department Assignment in TS drive Labor Allocation in TWP

If using the Standard Scheduler in TWP, we can add a "Place" to each scheduled shift.  Then, using the reportingdate.schedplace variable, we can assign that Place or Department number to the actual shift on the timesheet.  The capability to drive an employee's labor allocation by schedule, thus removing the need for Clock Prompts and Dept Transfers, is very desirable for many of my clients.  We've had several instances of clients opting to use the Standard Scheduler over TS, strictly based on this system limitation (TS is clearly a superior product when it comes to managing the schedules themselves).

With Workgroups and Positions, TS currently has the capability to assign employees to different cost centers.  We just need the ability to push the assignments back to TWP, and the ability to script on these assignments.

  • Guest
  • Jan 30 2017
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    12 Feb, 2018 06:47pm

    This is a great idea and takes the pressure off of the client and their employees to remember to transfer at the clock or use a clock prompt to define where they're working.  The labor allocation for employees working at multiple rates and/or in multiple departments should be more automated.

    Perhaps this can tie into IDX-I-139 "Standardized Drop Downs in Setup" where, if you're allowed to define the departments, then TimeSimplicity can more easily allocate the labor since there would be a connection between the departments the employee is scheduled in and the departments that should wind up on the employee's timecard.