TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Large Reports (many employees, wide date range) Error Out

I have clients who need to pull data from the system for years of data.  They have Custom Reports they've created to pull the data they need, however the system errors out when the report is too large. 

I realize we can create true Custom Reports that can be pulled from Download Activity files, however the cost for that work is high.  The only other work around is to run multiple reports, which is not a great solution for most clients.

If you can improve the capacity for the system to create these large reports, it would greatly improve the experience of our larger clients.

  • Guest
  • Dec 1 2016
  • In Design
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    12 Jul, 2017 02:42pm

    I want to clarify that we experience this issue with all system reports, not just reports the users created under Custom Reports.  An example we experienced recently was using the Work Month Report.  Running it on 250 employees for 14 months returns a diagnostic error and will not run.

    The only place I do not receive this error is going to Download Activity Files, and using the "timecardreport" to create an excel version of a years worth of data.  From there, I can create a pivot table to extract the data, but this is beyond the scope of my client (and really most of the clients we work with).