TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Rejecting an Unmatched Punch on the Time Clock Hardware

I'd like to see the time clocks know what time clock numbers are current assigned to employees.  If they make a mistake with their PIN, instead of accepting the punch and saying "Successful", the clock would say "Incorrect Badge Number, please try again".  This would remove the current functionality that allows a new hire to punch in before they are setup (and maybe you make this feature optional, if the client has more instances of new hires starting than issues with unmatched punches), however most of my clients have many more issues with unmatched punches than new hires starting.


  • Guest
  • Nov 2 2016
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    30 Nov, 2016 07:21pm

    Hi David,

    Thank you for the reply.  To confirm, Never Allowed would require the employee to use a badge card/biometric scan to record their punch?  Most of my clients using Z11's do not use badge cards, which is what causes the unmatched pin issue.  If so, Never Allowed will not solve our issue.


    Is Workforce Management Clock a new model hardware? Or are you referencing the new WebClock product?

  • David Barton commented
    30 Nov, 2016 07:05pm

    This is currently available on our existing platforms. Please see Manual Entry in Account Configuration; this should be set to Never Allowed, which will require a second form of validation beyond just a pin.

    Alternatively our future Workforce Management Clock will not allow unmatched pins.