TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Puerto Rico 24 hour overtime rule

The Puerto Rico 24 hour rule is not setup in TimeWorksPlus. We are currently looking moving all of our client out of swipeclock if we cannot get this setup because the department of labor is requiring it. The rule is similar to your current 24 hour rule you have. But your 24 rule is a running 24 hours.   The Puerto Rico rule starts when the employee logs in and ends 24 hours later.

Let’s say an employee starts at 9:00 AM and works 8 hours.

The next day he starts at 8:00 AM and works 8 hours.

The hour from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM on the second day puts him at 9 hours for the 24 hour period that started on the first day.

Please let me know if this it is possible to create this rule and if there is a fee.

  • Guest
  • Aug 4 2016
  • Future consideration
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