TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Prompt Employee to Approve Timecard at end of Pay Period

It would be very helpful to have an automatic prompt for employee's to approve their timecard at the end of each pay period.

  • Guest
  • Jul 12 2016
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    19 Apr, 2018 03:21pm

    I have a client asking for this now. The client stated that it would be a great benefit to them and save time at the end of the pay period. Also, see IDX-I-387 same idea but for the supervisor, Seems like an email could be sent to the employee and the supervisor just like time off request. 

  • Deleted User commented
    20 Jul, 2016 06:13pm

    Do you have ideas on how the employee would receive this prompt or notification?