TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Adding 3 additional columns to the Client List as well as some querying capabilities for the Client List.

Hello Team

I have a request. On the “Client List” there is a total of 12 columns. I would like for this to be expaned to a total of 15 columns. I would like a column for “Intelligent Clock Features”, and I would prefer it to be a simple 1 (yes) or 0 (no) populated column. The 14th and 15 columns would then be for the "Break" buttons, and "Meal" buttons. Once again displaying a "1" (yes) or 0 (no) in them.

I would also like a querying/filter feature setup on the "Client List". This feature would be based on some, but not all, of the 15 columns, and the info listed in the columns. For example, it would be good to filter for "all [Active Accounts] that utilize the ["Intelligent Clock Features"] (1)". This way we can quickly generate a list of those client's. It would also be nice if it had some query functions such as > (greater than), < (less than), = (equal to). We could then create a list of client who may have been added ON or AFTER (>=) 01/01/2021.

  • Guest
  • Nov 16 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 16, 2021 21:04

    Incidentally, this request was created by me, Bob Bowden. Trevor is no longer with us.