TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Allow user with Accountant or Client Role to add a Begin Date in the future to the Daily Auto Email Report

Under the Reports menu, the Daily Auto Email Report can be scheduled to run for a specific supervisor or user with an email address. It would be very beneficial to allow the user with an Accountant or Client role to configure the Begin Date when setting this report up on a account. This would allow us to complete all necessary client setup before go live, versus having to go back into the client on go live date to setup the report. 


Currently, this report does not allow us to enter anything in the Begin Date field.  Based on the way our company manages all the accounts (we are not a reseller and our clients do not use the system other than employees entering their punch time and supervisors approving the time), we will have thousands of accounts in SwipeClock over time, and being able to set this date when we complete client configuration, will be very helpful. 




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  • Feb 10 2020
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