TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Running Total of hours by Day for Employee's View of Time Card in Portal

The employees need to be able to see their total time per day calculated in their Time Card like what the Supervisor sees on the Time Card.  Asking an employee to manually calculate their time is not a good idea.  We API the Time Card into our payroll portal so we are not able to give the option of them seeing the old version of the WebClock portal.

  • Guest
  • Feb 3 2020
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  • Guest commented
    13 Nov, 2024 10:06pm

    This seems like a no brainer, The old system view had no issue showing the daily totals for all employees. Now, Supervisors have the ability to have their daily total hours calculated for them in the current system, but regular employees only get time calculated between their punches, which they have to add up? California has so many regulations for employee pay, and having the ability to see daily totals is necessary for employees to feel confident in reviewing their time for accuracy. It comes standard for supervisors in the system because it makes reviewing time easier. Our employees want this feature, and im sure there are many elsewhere that would welcome this feature too.

  • Guest commented
    13 Nov, 2024 09:40pm

    Yes! We need this feature to help our employees to view their daily totals for many reasons, but we are in California and do need to follow California Labor Laws and by having the daily totals, our employees will better know if they are in compliance.

  • Guest commented
    23 Apr, 2020 08:37pm

    I agree! We really need this in California because overtime is daily as well as weekly and employees need to see daily totals like they did in the old employee time-card. We may wait for this feature before rolling it out to thousands of employees in California.