TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

FileGuardian Time-Out Timeframe Should Be Based on Inactivity and Users of Hub Should See The Warning Message

Users are currently kicked out of FileGuardian / Hub without a warning or the ability to prevent being kicked out.  It seems that users are kicked out 20 minutes after they log into FileGuardian / Hub regardless of if they are actively working through the page or not. I am told that a warning message shows that they will be kicked out, however, they do not see it because that warning is on FileGuardian but is hidden by the overlay of Hub.

Most time-outs that I encounter on other sites are timeouts due to inactivity, so the timer starts once a user stops moving through pages. Additionally, there is typically a warning that says that the user will be
logged out if they do not click on the warning within XX seconds. It would be helpful if a similar feature was implemented on FileGuardian/Hub

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  • Oct 15 2019
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