TimeSimplicity & Other Product Ideas

Scheduled Hours on Reports / reportingdate.schedhours does not match Scheduled Hours on Time Card

I am currently working on a custom report that lists Scheduled Hours. I have discovered that the Scheduled Hours on reports do not match Scheduled Hours that show on the time card when you use the Show Schedule Information in Time Card Options.

After doing further research, it appears that the time card figure is displaying the correct Scheduled Hours determined by Time Simplicity, which factors in Lunch Breaks attached to shifts. It seems like TimeWorks Plus reports pull a different value, which is determined by taking the spread of Sched Start and Sched Stop times. This is the same value that returns using reportingdate.schedhours.

I attached several screenshots verifying my theory. I used addalert to display reportingdate.schedhours.

I believe that the Scheduled Hours from TimeSimplicity needs to update the reportingdate.schedhours variable in the system, otherwise reporting cannot be accurate nor allow clients to adequately forecast scheduling costs or reconcile Scheduled vs Actual Hours worked correctly.

Please let me know what additional information I can provide to quickly resolve this bug.


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  • Oct 1 2019
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